
Welcome to my foray into the blogging world. I don't promise to be your source for political and social commentary, but I will always endeavour to be entertaining, charming and witty (and by witty, you may also want to read that as sarcastic . . . I sometimes mix the two up).

You will see a mix of poems and/or song lyrics, my skewed little musings on life, the odd rant or two, and hopefully I can pass along some inspirational pieces – either from my own personal experiences or from those who inspire me.

I will try not to work Bruce Springsteen into everything I write, though it will be difficult as he does impact a large part of my waking world as well as a good portion of my dream world.

Enjoy. Be kind. Come back often and visit.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Check! #13 from my 50 list is now completed.

I'm sure many of you are chomping at the bit, wondering how I'm making out with my 50 list. Well, I just wanted to showcase #13 which is now crossed off the list.

So, with my new guitar in hand, Springsteen t-shirt and favourite chapeau, I braved the "Spring" elements this past Saturday and let my friend Kristin photograph me. Despite the less-than-normal chilly April temperatures, rain – and even snow for a little while – we had a fun few hours shooting photos in a variety of locations around Barrie.

Here are a few of my favourites:

and my personal fave:

Thanks Kristin! My donation to your "Young At Heart" photo fundraiser will be arriving shortly.

If you want to check out more of Kristin's stuff, visit: www.writephotographer.ca.