213. What’s bothering you today?
My life is actually pretty darn good right
now. I’ve got a bit of a kink in my left shoulder, probably from the spin class
I just did. But other than that, I can’t complain.
214. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I’m what you would call a social introvert
and people are often surprised when I tell them I’m shy. I like people and
enjoy spending time with them but I like to control “how” I spend my time
socially with others. I’m more comfortable meeting people one-on-one and
wouldn’t enjoy walking into a party or event where I didn’t know anyone. I
could do it, but it would be a bit difficult for me. There are times when I can
be the life of the party in big, loud gatherings – usually more with people I
know really well – but my norm is to sit back, assess and take everything in. I
also need my alone time to recharge. I enjoy spending evenings alone with
Netflix or reading. I have spent a week by myself at my cottage. I like to
think about things before I speak. And, I’m generally better at explaining
myself or something through writing rather than speaking. Public speaking isn’t
my cup of tea, but if I’m passionate and knowledgeable about the topic, I’m
good. And, ironically I am a performer and can sing, dance or play guitar in
front of a live audience. I like to be rehearsed though and don’t always
necessarily need the spotlight. I enjoy writing my songs but I don’t have the
burning urge to perform all the time.
215. What three things do you think about
every single day?
Because I’ve been on a nutritional program
for the past six months I’m always thinking: What am I going to eat today? Secondly,
I’m a great sleeper but I usually wake up exhausted (could be my colourful
dream life), so I’m always wondering why I’m so tired – especially after a good
night’s sleep. Lastly, I have a sweetie in my life right now and it’s been a
wonderful few weeks. He’s someone I have recently reconnected with and it’s
amazing. He’s amazing. I think about him every day.
216. What’s the best way to your heart?
I’m a sucker for words. Woo me with your
wit and crazy sense of humour and I’m yours. That being said, if you play with
my hair I’d likely follow you home too.
217. What are you most ashamed of?
I was fairly promiscuous during a period in
my 20s and I used to carry a lot of shame about that part of my life. I don’t
anymore. It’s a part of my past and I can’t change who I was back then or
anything I did. And because of my sexual history, I really dislike the culture
of slut shaming. I was that girl. I never understood the whole double standard
of why the girl who had sex was always branded with the scarlet letter while
the dude always got away unscathed. They both had sex. What’s the difference? As
women (and men too), we need to stop the slut shaming. Women and men both enjoy
sex – there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as there’s two consenting
adults. That’s important too.
I can also honestly say that I experienced
date rape on at least two occasions. I was certainly in no state to provide
consent. I bumped into one of my offenders a few years ago. We passed each
other going in (and out) of a building. The way he looked at me – with a kind
of knowing, condescending expression on his face – brought back a moment of
shame for a brief moment. But afterwards I thought: why should I feel any
shame? He’s the one who took advantage of me. He’s the “less-than” person, not
me. And that’s the message I would like to convey to anyone who’s been through
a similar experience. You’ve done nothing wrong. They’re the asshole who took
advantage of you.
218. Do you believe in karma?
Definitely. It may not happen in this life,
but it will happen. I don’t do good things because I hope to get good things in
return. I just try to be a good person as much as I can. And you know: karma
can be a bitch J
219. What compulsions do you have?
I’m not a big shopper by any means and I
actually don’t enjoy it very much. But if anything will be my undoing, it will
be my entertainment budget . ..or lack of an entertainment budget. I have a
hard time saying no to experiences, especially good musical ones. I don’t spend
recklessly but I believe in living my life and enjoying it as much as I can
right now. I don’t want to wait for retirement to do fun stuff.
220. What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve
ever done?
Some people might say that purchasing a VIP
ticket to see Derek and Julianne Hough’s Move – Live On Tour show two years in
a row was pretty ridiculous. It was a lot of money, but my friend Laura and I
had a blast – both times. I was a complete idiot meeting the Houghs the first
year but was totally cool the following year. We’re besties now.
221. What are the five most important things
people should know about you?
· I’m a master hugger and am very
· If you need someone, I can be
counted on to be there for you
· I’m allergic to penicillin
· I love music and can be a bit
of a music snob
· I’m a social introvert
222. Does time really heal all wounds?
Time, a positive attitude and a good
therapist or friend(s) to help you heal.
223. What are the key ingredients to a good
Mutual respect. Open and honest communication.
Emotional availability and a willingness to be vulnerable and authentic.
Empathy and compassion. Friendship. Shared interests. Chemistry and attraction.
Patience. Trust. And the knowledge that love is an action, not merely a
feeling. You must choose to love that person every day.
224. What 12 songs would be on the soundtrack
to your life?
I actually blogged on this topic last year.
Here are my soundtrack songs.
225. If you had a diary, what would today’s
entry say?
Dear Diary: I’m so incredibly happy right
now. I’ve met someone very special and I’m looking forward to seeing how our
life unfolds together. He’s unbelievably sweet and caring. I’m so glad that he
reached out to me again and I’m enjoying the process of getting to know him. I’m
seeing him tonight and I can’t wait!
226. If the weather person was going to forecast
your life, what would they say?
It looks like mainly sunshine going forward.
There likely will be rain or stormy weather at some point, but as long as you’re
prepared, you’ll be okay. Enjoy those rainy and stormy days because they’ll
give you a better appreciation for the sunny ones.
227. What song best describes you when you
first wake up in the morning?
Todd Rundgren’s “Bang the Drum All Day.”
228. What have you always wanted? Have you
got it?
Well, I always wanted a horse and never did
get one.
229. If you could time travel, would you go
to the past or the future? Why?
I would probably go into the past and do
some things I didn’t get to do the first time around. I would travel back to the
70s and check out Bruce Springsteen’s early shows. Then to 1978 and go to a few
shows on his Darkness tour. I would like to see the Beatles, Janis Joplin, Jimi
Hendrix, The Doors, go to Woodstock, visit Haight-Ashbury in its hey day.
230. What words do you think those closest to
you would use to describe you?
Funny. Kind. Altruistic. Rainmaker.
Generous. Creative. Loyal. Sarcastic. Loving.
231. Who is your personal hero?
This is such a tough question. Most people
would assume my personal hero is Bruce Springsteen. But while I love the man,
his lyrics, enthusiasm, music and work ethic, I don’t really consider him my
personal hero. For me, most of my personal heroes are the people in my life. I
have some friends who have been married for over 30 years and I admire their
commitment to each other and their marriage – especially in this age of
disposable relationships. I aspire to that. I have other close friends – like my
friend Kristin – who is so incredibly creative, especially in the ways she
reaches out to connect with our community and I am constantly blown away by her
ideas. I want to be a part of everything she does. I have other friends who
cope courageously with big day-to-day challenges. My friend Carol has lived
with MS since her 30s and she is one of the most generous people I know. I love
that about her.
232. If you could choose your last words,
what would they be?
I love you.
233. In what ways are you the same as your
childhood self?
I was an avid reader as a kid and I still
love to read. I’m also still very playful, silly and childlike. I can be serious
but there’s a very big silly side to me as well.