262. Is
the individual or society more important?
I would have
to say that society is more important. We as individuals need to take care of
ourselves but we need others to survive and grow. And, we can do more as a
society of people. Right now we need to bond together as a group to tackle the
big issues facing us today: homelessness, climate change
263. If
you were cremated, where would you like to have your ashes spread?
I would have
my ashes scattered on the property at Paugh Lake.
264. If
you had the means, how would you address the problem of homelessness?
I read an
article about a woman in New York City who turned a hotel into a haven for the
homeless. In addition to providing people with shelter, it also provided them
with an address so they could receive mail – for unemployment insurance or
applying for jobs. Those who lived there each had a role in helping run the
place whether it was doing maintenance, cleaning, working in the kitchen,
paperwork . . . but bottom line, they had a place to live while getting back on
their feet. I always thought this was a cool idea. I realize it wouldn’t be the
ideal solution for everyone but it would be a start. We need more affordable
housing for people – and housing in areas with access to public transportation
and viable employment. I would convert whatever I could into affordable (or
free) housing.
265. If
you decided to go on a spiritual journey, where would you go and what would you
I’ve always
liked the idea of doing some kind of hiking spiritual journey – perhaps doing a
portion of the Camino Trail in Spain. It would be out of my comfort zone but I
think I would enjoy it. I would prefer to go with one other person, but I would
journal every day.
266. If
you had to spend one year living alone in a remote cabin, what would you spend
your time doing?
I’m assuming
there wouldn’t be any WiFi, so power binging a number of Netflix shows would be
out of the question. So, I would load up as many books as I could and get my
fill of reading. I would also bring my guitar and try to write a number of
songs. And – maybe finally teach myself how to do barre chords. I would also
bring a ton of notebooks (or a laptop) and write, write, write. And, hopefully
my cabin would be in a nice location where I could go on a daily runs.
267. Which
language would you choose, if you could immediately speak it fluently?
French. It’s a language that would be useful in a number of different
countries, plus it would be handy here in Canada.
268. What
other culture would you choose to be born into?
I don’t know
if I would choose to be born in any other culture than my original Canadian. We
are pretty lucky here. And, the world needs more Canada!
269. Would
you prefer money for a housekeeper, gardener, cook or personal secretary?
While I
could certainly use (and welcome) any of those services, I would probably
choose to spend money on someone to cook for me. I love good food but I don’t
always necessarily love to cook it. I think I would eat much healthier if
someone was preparing the food for me.
270. Which
temptation do you try hardest to resist?
food. I love chocolate. I love pasta. I love bread. I love cookies. I love (and
can eat) lots of food. I’ve recently dropped some weight – something I’ve done
a few times in the past. I’ve changed how – and what I choose to eat now. I try
to eat a healthy 90 per cent of the time. It’s a slippery slope with food, and
I have lost weight before so I really need to be careful that I don’t fall into
bad habits again.
271. What’s
the most beautiful drive you’ve ever taken?
One of the
most beautiful drives I have ever taken was in Ireland. Every day was filled
with incredible views. On our very first day of travel, heading south from
Dublin, we rounded a corner and saw the Rock of Cashel rise up and greet us. It
was pretty remarkable . . . and a sight you don’t see in Canada. The varying
greens were beautiful too. Any given day could see us driving through lush
farmland, spectacular mountains with scary cliffs (but cute sheep) or in deep
valleys bracketed by the Atlantic Ocean and a vast expanse of emerald.
272. What
did you get in trouble most for when you were young?
young? Probably for climbing. Both my sister and I were climbers. We would
climb cupboards, fences, door frames (by licking our hands and feet for
traction) and even our TV tower. Back then we could never figure out how our
parents knew we were up there; but of course it was because the TV reception
would go fuzzy. They put a fence up around it to prevent us from climbing it
but really . . . we climbed the TV tower . . . why would they think we wouldn’t
get over the fence? One time when I was young, I even pushed a dresser against
my bedroom door and climbed out my window. That got me into a bit of trouble. As
a teenager, I got in trouble for the usual stuff – staying out too late,
drinking, or not doing something (a chore) right away.
273. What’s
the best and worst thing about being a man or a woman?
The best
thing about being a woman is that special sisterhood we celebrate with other
women. Those supportive relationships get us through so many things. And
generally, I think it’s easier for us (rather than guys with their friends) to
show affection to our girlfriends. We kiss, hold hands, cuddle and hug on a
regular basis . . . or maybe that’s just me and my girlfriends! The worst thing
has got to be the ups and downs of our hormonal cycles. I suppose men suffer
from the same thing to a certain degree but the craziness of some days can be
274. What
fashion trend you followed was cool then but looks ridiculous now?
I’m not much
of a slave to fashion – I leave that to my more fashionable sister. But, I did
go through a quasi-goth phase in the ‘80s in which I wore a lot of black and
had some interesting hair styles.
275. Where
would you most like to travel?
My sister
and I are traveling to Iceland this February. We’re really looking forward to
that trip. I really want to explore more of North America. I haven’t been out
to the West Coast, or to Newfoundland or PEI. And there are a ton of places I’d
like to visit in the States, like San Francisco, New Orleans, Seattle,
Portland, and Washington.
276. If
you could have another name, what would you choose?
I like my
name. It’s not too over-used. And I dodged a bullet in that I could have been
named Nancy Belle. Not that I have any big issues with the name Nancy or Belle,
but put together it sounds like the name of some little steamship. When my
older brother was born, my paternal grandfather walked into the hospital room
and announced, “How’s Stephen Francis?” He named him after some famous baseball
player and my parents were too shocked or overwhelmed by the birth of their
first child to argue. He tried to get away with it again when I was born (with
the Nancy Belle) but thankfully my parents respectfully told him they were
naming me. But, if I had to choose a new name I would likely go with Janey as
in Springsteen’s Crazy Janey.
277. Would
you like a quiet life of safety or a life of great adventure and uncertainty?
Some people
would likely say I don’t do anything quietly. I’ve been accused of turning
those close to me into yellers. I like to say I’m simply enthusiastic. I think
I would land somewhere in the middle. I think life is filled with plenty of
uncertainly enough so you don’t generally have to go looking for it. I want
adventures – and have had plenty of them so far – but I’m practical enough that
I wouldn’t want risky adventures.
278. If
you lived to be 100, would it be more important to have a sharp mind or fit
Again, it
would be great to be somewhere in the middle. I work at being healthy now so I
can do the things I want to as I age. But, that being said, at 100, I think I
would be happy to toodle around in a walker or wheelchair with my witty mind
still very much intact.
279. If
you could work as an assistant to anyone for a year, who would you choose?
For a year?
I think it would be cool to be Bruce Springsteen’s assistant. First of all,
he’s a musician, so he’s not getting up too early. That would work great with
my schedule. And, I think I would probably learn a lot from him about song
writing, or maybe pick up a few new techniques to improve my guitar playing;
and he does a lot of charity work at a very high level. So that would be pretty
cool to be involved with too.
280. What
is the worst gift you’ve ever received?
My mother
bought me a dress once that I told her I didn’t want. I refused to wear it and
eventually was able to sell it, with the sales tag still on it.
281. In
which activity would you like a lesson from an expert?
Oh, I could
benefit from lessons from a lot of experts in many different areas. Maybe some
good budgeting tips would be great.
282. Do
you believe in coincidence or synchronicity?
I believe in
the power of flow. If you’re moving along the right path, things will happen a
little more easily. Stuff will fall into place and doors will open. I suppose
that’s more synchronistic in nature.
283. In
what era would you most like to have grown up?
I’m all
about the music. I would have loved to have been a teenager in the 1960s and
experienced all that great music. I also loved the clothes – jeans, tie-dyed
t-shirts, headbands, loose flowing skirts . . . it would have been right up my
284. Is
the male or female body more beautiful?
beautiful? There are aspects about both that I find beautiful but if I had a
choice between looking at a Playgirl
or a Playboy magazine, I would likely
choose Playboy. The female body is
pretty darn gorgeous in all sizes and shapes – soft, curvy, lean, voluptuous –
with a number of hidden treasures.
285. What
are the redeeming qualities of the person you most dislike?
I don’t
really dislike a lot of people in my life. I find some people challenging and I
likely wouldn’t hang out with them because we wouldn’t have a ton in common.
There are a few people like that in my life who I probably encounter mainly at
work. I think what I do find redeeming about them though is their ability to
make tough decisions.
286. How
do you define integrity and do you have it?
I think
integrity is having a strong belief system and being true to it. You follow
through with what you say you’re going to do – your actions match your words.
You speak and live your truth. It may not necessarily be my truth, but that’s
okay. It’s being honest and treating people with respect. I do consider myself
an action person. I’d rather give someone a firm no, than a wishy-washy yes.
And if I tell you I’m going to do something, I do my best to do it. I’m not
perfect 100 percent of the time but I’m pretty reliable.
287. Is
it more difficult for you to speak kindly or honestly?
I have been
unkind in the past – not intentionally – but I have not always delivered a
message in the best manner possible. In my work world, I’m considered a
“thinker” on the Myers-Briggs scale, so sometimes I can get caught up in “how
is this going to affect what I need to do” rather than taking into account a
person’s feelings. So I can be abrupt or straight to the point when I need
information. I’m conscious of this behaviour and it’s something I watch for
288. What
is the most amazing weather you’ve ever seen?
One August
we experienced the most spectacular Northern lights at the cottage. Myself and
a few friends ended up sleeping on the sundeck. I have never seen Northern
lights like that ever again.
289. If
you could master one instrument, what would it be?
Oh, there
are so many. I would love to be able to go nuts with my accordion or play
anything I wanted on the piano by ear, but the practical girl in me would
likely pick the guitar as it’s easier to transport.
290. How would our society be different if
it was matriarchal rather than patriarchal?
I put this
question to a few girlfriends while we were at lunch and we all agreed that one
thing that would be different in a matriarchal society would be the way women’s
bodies are treated. You wouldn’t see issues with health care, maternity leave, planned
parenthood clinics and birth control. T In addition, there likely would be more
emphasis placed on the environment and social services – not just big
291. What would you love to find at a yard
Right now I
would love to find an antique round dining room table.
292. What have you given up that you wish
you never had?
Oh, again,
there are so many answers to this question. I wish I would have concentrated
more on musical theory growing up. I’d be a better musician today. I wish I was
a bit more handier – watched my mom do stuff – she wasn’t afraid to tackle any
project or take anything apart.
293. With whom have you lost touch and
wish you could reconnect?
There are a
few friends I’d like to spend more quality time with this year. I haven’t lost
touch with them per se, but it’s just harder to get together with everyone all
the time. Sometimes I just like to cocoon and stay home when I have a free
evening. I have a good friend who lives in the States. We usually only see each
other once or twice a year when she travels North. I’d like to travel down to
see her this year. It shouldn’t always be her that travels to see me.
294. What’s the most beautiful thing
you’ve ever read?
I have a lot
of talented and creative people in my circle. My sister and my friend Kristin
post some pretty amazing stuff online. I’m also drawn to certain lyrics in
songs and can’t get them out of my head. There’s a line in “Lake Song” by The
Decemberists that I could listen to over and over again. “You tattered me, you
tethered me to you.” I don’t know why I love that line but it gets me every
time I hear the song. And my boyfriend Jeff recently texted me saying, “I’m
serious about you and I’m serious about us.” That was pretty beautiful too.
295. What’s one thing that has surprised
you about yourself?
I would have
to say it’s how much I enjoy being in a relationship. I always thought my life
was great the way it was. I have a wonderful circle of friends, a great job
with the best co-workers, amazing and unbelievable adventures, that I thought
my life didn’t’ need anything else. But I love being part of a couple. I love
planning for our future. I love spending time with him. I love knowing there’s
someone who loves me – the yell-y, crazy, multiple-personality,
Dancing-With-The-Stars-watching me. In the past I was afraid how my life would
change if I was in a relationship and thought I wouldn’t be able to do all the
things I loved to do anymore. It would be a life filled with compromise,
checking in, a loss of my independence. And yes, being in a relationship means
there are compromises and another person to consider before making plans or
decisions. But when you find that right person, those compromises and decisions
are easy and effortless. I guess I just didn’t expect to love it this much.
296. When was the last time you really
pushed yourself to your limit (physical, emotional, otherwise)?
when I trained for my last half-marathon in 2006. I really pushed myself to
increase my running miles, did hill training and several long distance runs.
The run itself was pretty grueling in that it was super hot that day and I don’t
like running in the heat. I had wanted to better my time of two hours and 10
minutes, but ended up finishing in two hours and 20 minutes. I was proud that I
finished though.
297. If you came with a warning label, what
would it say?
Caution: This
could get loud, crazy, extremely affectionate and in some cases may even lick
298. What is
your favourite tradition?
I love spending Thanksgiving at the cottage and staying there for
a week in the fall. It’s my favourite time of year. Sometimes we have a large
gang of people around the dinner table; other years it might just be myself and
my sister.
299. What is
your most deepest, secret desire?
Oh, I think you’ll have to buy me a drink to find out the answer
to that question. I'm not giving that away for free :)
300. Do you
have any scars (physical or otherwise)?
Just tiny scars. I have three small incisions from my gall bladder
301. What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
Probably getting on those online dating sites post-50. Scary
302. What’s
the craziest thing you’ve done for love?
Oh, I’ve
done a lot of crazy things for love. Once I kidnapped a guy’s scarf and held it
for ransom just to get his attention. And in my great love for Springsteen, a
friend and I bought expensive scalper tickets last minute, drove 10 hours to
Hershey, Pennsylvania … with no hotel reservation. After the concert was over,
the closest hotel we could get was two hours away. Ah, love!
303. Do the
right thing, or do things right?
If you do things right, you’re probably doing the right thing.