
Welcome to my foray into the blogging world. I don't promise to be your source for political and social commentary, but I will always endeavour to be entertaining, charming and witty (and by witty, you may also want to read that as sarcastic . . . I sometimes mix the two up).

You will see a mix of poems and/or song lyrics, my skewed little musings on life, the odd rant or two, and hopefully I can pass along some inspirational pieces – either from my own personal experiences or from those who inspire me.

I will try not to work Bruce Springsteen into everything I write, though it will be difficult as he does impact a large part of my waking world as well as a good portion of my dream world.

Enjoy. Be kind. Come back often and visit.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Honey bee

Sweet little honey bee
Tell me what do you see
Travelling from flower to flower
Primrose to buttercup
It matters not where you sup
Whiling away the hours
If only we all could be
Sweet little honey bees
See the world as one giant flower
Then we could spend our days
Happy and fancy free
Instead of locked up in our towers

He was a storyteller
I was a poet
For awhile it was easy to write
Sonnets and symphonies
Haiku and mysteries
I watched my words taking flight
If only we all could see
Sweetness not misery
See the world as one beautiful song
Then we could spend our days
Happy and fancy free
Not thinking we didn’t belong

Sweet little honey bee
… Set us free
As you travel from tower to tower
Poet to buttercup
No longer to be locked up
Whiling away the hours
Now we can all be
Sweet little honey bees
Singing our beautiful songs
And we will spend our days
Happy and fancy free
Knowing that we belong.

1 comment:

  1. Love your songs Lainey - keep writing, singing and strumming.

